Altar Building

Would you like to learn how to build an energetic that can hold your intentions for your life without you having to pay attention to them? 

Every day you have ideas for things you would like to have - protections on your home, a job promotion, a better relationship, etc.  You can set those intentions, but if you're not good at staying focused, you'll find that they slowly disappear from your consciousness.  

But there is a way to create an intention that stays with minimal attention from you - build an altar.  This course teaches you how to:

  • Design an altar around your intentions
  • Build an altar with the proper energetic elements to hold your intention
  • Release altars that have served their purpose so that residual energies don't build up in your altar elements
  • Identify the purposes altars can be used for - so you are using them to their best effect

Why work harder when you can work smarter?  This applies to the energetic even more than in the "real world".  Get this course and start creating spaces to hold your most powerful intentions.

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